
This website was designed to connect U.S. residents to their local courts virtually and encourage active participation in the justice system.


In March 2020, courts in the U.S. were forced to move proceedings online due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Even after the end of the health emergency, many courts will continue to conduct proceedings virtually. This shift has made it easier for many members of the public to attend proceedings from a smartphone or computer as observers. We hope that this website will allow more people to engage with the justice system.

Court Observation Groups

Court observation groups organize volunteers to sit in on trials in their jurisdiction to ensure that proceedings are fair and that justice is being properly served. They recruit, educate, train and support their volunteers throughout the process and form communities that bring transparency and accountability to the legal system.

If you do not see your local court observation group listed, please contact us so we can add it to the website.

If there is no local court observation group in your area, and you are interested in forming one, please consult our list of resources.

Virtual Legal Systems

This website is part of the Virtual Legal Systems project run at the Legal Design Lab. This website was developed by NĂ³ra Al Haider, Marina DeFrates, Eli Shi and Roda Nour.